Are You Having Foundation Problems???

Are You Having Foundation Problems?

Foundation settling or shifting can be caused by many variables. Before any repairs can be made these variables need to be identified and understood.  The first step is to find out what is causing the problem, why is it causing a problem and then finding a solution to the problem.The most common cause of foundation problems is moisture. Sometimes it is a lack of moisture and sometimes it is too much moisture (which is not happening now in The Summer of 2012).  Problems with gutters, downspouts are very common. Clogging is usually caused by leaves and debris. Rain water needs to be diverted away from the foundation to prevent hydrostatic pressure on the foundation and floors. In times of drought, water may need to be applied near the foundation to maintain more consistent soil moisture content. In The dead of summer (like now) there are three important words for you, WATER, WATER, WATER. Your Foundation needs it right now. Go to and get all the info needed for a watering program.Many times foundation problems manifest themselves in the form of severe cracking of slabs, slopes in the floors, and exterior brick cracks. Don’t wait till you see major cracking to call a professional. The longer you wait the worse it can get. Foundation problems can damage plumbing lines and fresh water lines.

Binding or inoperable doors and windows, distorted glass panes and wedge shaped gaps at the top and bottom of doors and windows is a common complaint of homeowners, especially settling homes. Sticking doors and windows are symptoms of foundation problems. As the structure settles differentially, sticking doors and windows become a nuisance.

Most drywall cracks appear in the corner of doorframes or windows and result from differential movement between framing and the drywall. Some wood frame movement can be caused by normal processes such as shrinkage or moisture expansion.

Houses with crawl spaces generally show recurring damage patterns. Often a few vertical cracks in the crawl space open and close seasonally. Due to their shallow foundation nature these cracks grow significantly during extreme periods of drought or rain. Among several potential factors these shallow footings may rest on expansive soil that experiences more acute cycles of shrink and swell, which is often aggravated by landscaping and drainage.

Damage to exterior flatwork is also a common sign of foundation problems. Cracking of concrete can have a variety of causes including swelling soils, grade, concrete shrinkage, settling, tree roots and poor quality of concrete or installation. Concrete that slopes toward the foundation (driveways/sidewalks) channel water against foundation walls and footings may cause cracks.

Potential cures for a cracking, sloping foundation can be steel pressed piers, or concrete pressed piers. (Both carry Lifetime Warranties) Along with proper drainage, when these underpinning products are installed, per manufacturer’s specifications and under the guidance of a foundation engineer you can be assured that your problem will be solved.

So, if you are having foundation problems, don’t panic. There are solutions to help you, there are qualified engineers to help you and there are competent foundation repair contractors available to enact these solutions. Call us today at Pro-select Foundation Repairs our number is 817-542-0313.

About proselect

Owner/Operator: Pro-Select Foundation Repair
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